Sunday, May 20, 2007

St Andrew's Club

Thursday I hit up an almuni event at the St Andrew's club. Having to dress up is a little annoying but free food makes it worth it for me. The food was pretty good. There were two stations: an italian and an asian. For the dinner part, the Italian station was the weaker one - a pork thing, some gnocci and some random meat. The asian one was terrific - sushi nigri and maki, pad thai (chicken or shrimp) in the fun little boxes that these fancy places seem to like to use, salad rolls, spring rolls and a few other things I don't recall. It was great particularly the sushi. It would have nice to see the sushi chef there instead of a pad thai attendant but that's me just being picky. For the dessert portion, the stations reverse. The asian consisted of chocolate dipped fortune cookies (I'm supposed to stick with my passion according to the cookie). To make up for this weakness, I had some more maki. Tasty as well. The Italian station had little cake like squares. They were fairly tasty although they seemed a little oily (of course that didn't stop me from having quite a few).

In terms of entertainment, there was the formal program which is interesting. But the humour portion came from some of the alumni who inhabit a different non-engineering or science plane of existence. This one person was excited to talk to engineers as she felt she had this brilliant idea that instead of emergency vehicles using sirens they should vibrate the seat in your car.
Maybe I'll be proven wrong but I don't think that idea will be taking off anytime soon.

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