For anywhere between $3 to $9 per person, you get either fatty pork or fatty beef to cook on a grill. Obviously lower price = more fatty and less desirable cuts of meat.
In general, pork seemed to be plain and beef was marinated in soy sauce based sauce.
The meat comes with lettuce or sesame leaves for wrapping, hot sauce, green onion/spring mix salad with tangy soy sauce dressing, garlic, kimchee and sea salt. We typically ordered a couple of $1 rices to fill us up a bit (put a bit in each lettuce packet). Or course, the usual other side dishes were present to keep you busy while meat is grilling.
So you grill meat, kimchee and garlic and then assemble with condiments and rice all wrapped up in a cute little pocket. Mmmmmm......
Our first night in Cheonan. This joint was characterized by not enough pork (mainly Jackie ordering not accounting for Ian's big appetite) and poor building ventilation. The actual meal was good and we had Jackie's authentic Korean friend (So-Yong) tending the grill for us.
Some soju was in order, but unfortunately I disappointed with some lightweight drinking. I later found out, the stuff here was actually pretty light at only 19%. Later versions were more like 45% in Andong!
Just off the Suwon fortress wall. We originally went for Galbi ribs, but at $28/person we said no go and went with $9 beef bbq instead. These people didn't speak English and we basically spoke no Korean, so there were quite a number of awkward moments. The ajuma's didn't leave us and basically cooked the whole thing for us. They were probably thinking "stupid wayguks" the whole time!
Most comical was when I thought the meat was done, I put a couple pieces in my leaf and was going to roll up and eat. The ajuma yanked a piece off and gave me a dirty look!!! I later found out, it's bad form to go for more than one piece of meat per lettuce!!
I really liked this place because the bbq came with some seafood/pumpkin/beef/veg soup in a stone bowl. We then ordered some rice and they mixed it all together at the end. Mmm..good eating.
Ian perfects his grilling technique in Andong. This place was the best bargain. About $3.50 per person or so.
Post print museum in Chongu with sister Jackie keeping an eye on things.
Now- tips!
Janice tip #1 - cook the heck out of the meat for less fatty. Basically the trick is to melt away the fat and just stick with the meat.
Janice tip #2 - grill the kimchee - this makes it somewhat edible.
Janice tip #3 - for a higher meat to lettuce ratio - tear lettuce leaves in 2.
Janice tip #4 - don't forgo salt and hot sauce like Ian foolishly did the first couple times. This is the key to tastiness.
Janice tip #5 - if you need more lettuce leaves or salad leaves, yell "YOGIYO" and start waving your empties around.
Janice tip #6 - grill meat on one side, then, chop up with tongs and scissors for grilling on side #2.
Janice tip #7 - lettuce is not an insulator. Don't put meat direct onto lettuce unless you like burns on your hands!