A new burrito option opened up in Sherwood Park so Janice and I hopped on the first flight out to check out the Burrito Libre (by the TD in the Park). In keeping with our cheap theme, the trip served multiple purposes as we combined the burrito trip with Christmas family visits.
As seems to be usual at chain-ish burrito places, they explain the process on the menu. I selected a chicken burrito on a whole wheat tortilla. The best part was that they didn't stick to the process described on the menu. Instead of chosing two of rice, beans, potatos and fajita fix'ins I got all four! The burrito was then rounded out with salsa, corn, sour cream and possibly other things I can't remember. Of course the big let down is that like far too many places, they charge extra for guacamole so that meant none for me!
Janice for some reason wasn't in a burrito mood so she had tacos - three of them to be specific. Two steak and one pork with all the same side choices as my burrito. All in with my burrito the bill was $15.44 and, since its in Alberta, no PST!
My big complaint with Burrito Libre was their burrito wrapping technique. While they warmed the tortilla on the panini press (you know - the advanced version of the Foreman grill common at burrito places) they didn't finish off the stuffed burrito with that step. I view that step as critical so it's unfortunate they didn't. Other than that no real complaints. Well, except for the cashiers inability to use a credit card machine. It took two of them and even after messing up so badly that for some reason the machine needed to be reset they still didn't really have an idea without some help from me.
I got over the bitterness though and started to chow down. The burrito was quite good and best of all it was quite large. With all four of the items including the potatoes it was definitely filling and reasonably tasty. However, I wouldn't say it's the most flavourfull burrito I've had.
The parts of Janice's beef taco I managed to grab were tasty. I didn't get to try the pork though which is sad especially since Janice says the pork was way better.