Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mississauga Marathon

I had my 10 km run last night. I was training for a half marathon, but then an armpit injury followed by a kayak related leg injury has taken me down for the last 3-4 weeks and I've only been to run an average of about once/week. So I switched to the 10 km and ran it last night in 55 minutes. I was hoping for under an hour, so I was pretty pleased with the time.

The food and drink post run was only so-so with some bagels, fruit, water etc at the end. I was feeling a bit queasy after running that fast so couldn't really enjoy my free food to the full extent.

Off to NEW GEN for lunch today!!! Yeah!!! I looked on the web and it appears as though they still have my "G" Yam Maki lunch set....oh how I've missed you yam maki...mmmmm.

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