Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tandoori Flame

After an hour or two bemoaning the lack of Indian buffet in our neighborhood, we hopped in the car and ventured out to Brampton to Tandoori Flame.

The lunch buffet was about $17 each and included just about any Indian dish you could ever want. Lots of rice, veggie & meat curries, three kinds of tandoori chicken, grilled veggies, salads, appetizers etc etc. I don't think Ian or I had a complaint about anything and usually we are rather picky. There was so much selection here, one had to be strategic to avoid filling up the tummy before sampling everything.

Desserts were also good - rice pudding, gulab jaman, bright orange stuff, squares, cake & ice cream bar. I was especially impressed with the ice cream - it looks like they actually replace the tubs pretty frequently. Most of these self serve buffet ice cream buckets appear to linger for months with just a little bit left on the bottom than people are too scared to eat.

As a side note check out the website for a laugh. It is quite slick and NOTHING like the restaurant!!!

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