Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Shame on EQ3

We normally don't comment about furniture stores on here but today EQ3 was supposed to have an anniversary party with food, drink and 20% off. They sent me something in the mail as well as calling me which seemed a little excessive. Anyway we make the long trek over to the wrong side of Yonge and get to EQ3 only to find a disappointing anniversary party. We walked all through the store before we found one table with a few picked over veggies and dip and some "sketchy" (Janice's word obviously) salad. It looked like something that might have just been picked up at the corner store. Seems ridiculous that they advertised an event that was this bed. While we were there they found some more wine of which we got a drop-sized serving. Janice with her fancy expense account wine drinking habits couldn't even finish her drop. With my grad school palate I finished mine and hers without any complaints.

This is a controversial post, Janice thinks we should forgive EQ3 and shop there again in the future. I think with this big a disappointment one strike and you're done! So onto the wall of shame.


Anonymous said...

I was at the event and clearly these people went somewhere else - I spoke at length with the store manager and owner and got the story. The food was fantastic - the caterer works there and does a great job. In an effort to support Ontario vintners they went directly to Cave Springs and got some decent wines from them - so don't get all pretentious about "expense account" wine. Having drunk lots of good and bad wine around the world I found the selection decent to good. And I got LOTS so I guess maybe your apparent attitude shone through. It was very busy but everyone there took the time to say hello including the owner.

So stop being so bloody self-important. Wrong side of Yonge - what jerks.

Ian said...

Thanks for your comments anonymous.

First off I'll make the big assumption that you can read the date. I'm assuming you're talking about their June event. I know there was an event more recently in October for the 2008 catalog launch and some people (like those that leave such comments) might be confused. We obviously didn't go to that more recent event.

That's terrific that you think the food was great. I just personally don't think that a few leftover leaves of lettuce constitute good and sufficient catering. You're right though that maybe over on your side of Yonge you take what you can get?

It's also great that you spoke at length with the store manager. I would have too to tell him or her how disappointed I was in the event. Instead the only staff member I did find to talk to only mentioned how there were many more people than planned.

I'm not quite sure how managed to use selection and wine in the same sentence regarding this event. There was no selection of wine unless by "selection" you mean their selection of one wine.

"Wrong side of Yonge". Toronto has a few things going for it. Virtually none of those things are east of Yonge. And from your tone, I suspect you frequent the dark side so my avoiding the wrong side of yonge will have an added benefit, I'll never have to run into you.

Janice said...

Uhhhh, the expense account comment was a joke!?!

Apparently people on the wrong side of Yonge don't make jokes. I guess I can understand why, it would be kind of bleak to have to live over there.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you need more jokes to brighten a bleak existence? Please explain/discuss in further detail?

Ian said...

True, humour might be useful in brightening a bleak existence but when you're struggling to get by there might not be much time for jokes

Anonymous said...

Working hard to put the ASS back in ASSHOLE... with luck I'll run over you instead

Anonymous said...

Dude, you need to calm down.

Anonymous said...

You know, I used to think there was something wrong with the east side too, but I kept it to myself, since I had no first hand experience. But than I actually experienced it (I live in the Beaches and work on King St. E) and it's actually quite nice.

I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself. Unless your "expense account wine" has gone to your heads and you currently feel secure expressing your ignorant, uneducated opinions.