Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Subway Pizza

We'll blame the lack of recent posts on the fact that we were out of town so our meals didn't qualify for weeattoronto posting.

Anyway on my way home from the airport, I was pleased to pick up a few slices of pizza pizza pepperoni for a buck a slice. I don't know the full scoop behind why the TTC is selling pizza but I think it has something to do with raising money for the United Way. Last Tuesday, I left the city horribly disappointed because I had grabbed a quick lunch of a slice of pizza only to find out once I hopped on the subway that I could have eaten for much cheaper.

Maybe if the TTC sold pizza more often I would actually use public transit regularly. Well, that's unlikely and with the proposed upcoming additional 15 cent hike on TTC fares they're going to need a lot more than pizza to get me on board.

Interesting note that may or may not be true. When I first came to Toronto fares were 1.80 (using tokens) and in November they will be going up to 2.25. It seems like I would have been better off buying tokens then saving money in ING?

Anyway to bring the discussion back to food, the moral of the story is when you're eating out, walk

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