Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I should know better

Like a complete fool, I strayed away from what I know is good at the Detriot airport (Fudruckers) and instead went to a sit-down Middle Eastern restaurant. I ordered a $7 falafel sandwich (the going rate in To is about $3.50). I asked if that included sides and they said no, so I ordered some "grilled" veggies to go along with it.

The veggies seemed to be stir-fried, greasy and with a nasty fake tomato-y sauce smeared all over them. Pretty much in-edible. I make more authentic and tasty grilled veggies at home! It's not that tough! Eggplant, peppers, onions, zuchini, potatoe with some olive oil, S&P and bake for 45 min!!!

The falafel was cold and the flavour dominated by "pickles in a jar"

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