Monday, October 13, 2008

Tom & Eileen's Thanksgiving Dinner in Hardisty AB

Well not exactly Toronto, but John says I should update more, so here's an update!

There were approximately 27 people +/- 5 people or so and one of the bigger family gatherings we've had.

Things started off well with a nature walk to the lake, chips and guac and a rather large supply of wine that very few seemed to know about.

Dinner was the big star - turkey, stuffing types x 2, mashed potato, sweet potato with marshmallow, turnip, Cesar salad, green bean casserole, cranberry/raspberry jello thing, fresh rolls, coleslaw, pickled carrots and a few other assorted things I'm probably forgetting about!

Dessert was also good, pumpkin surprise trifle, pumpkin pie and apple pie for the non-pumpkin eaters.

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