Thursday, November 23, 2006


I did some cooking tonight, crazy Jackie-style Korean. No political rant here, just some recipe hints. I started by asking myself "what would George do" and then since Jackie is an anti-fan, I then switched to my Moosewood cookbook for guidance.

Anywho, here's kinda what you do. Make some rice, throw the following on top: sauteed snow peas, leeks, and red pepper, rehydrated dried shitake mushrooms, cut up seaweed and some fried eggs. I accidentally scrambled the egg, but it still turned out ok. Some shrimp on top of Ian's. Then mix up some chilli paste and sesame oil and sprinkle on top. Add salt and that's it!



Anonymous said...

Have you guys had burritos recently?

Jackie Bolen said...

Yea, scrambling up the eggs is very, very bad news. Maybe you should come for the real thing. Summertime?

Anonymous said...

What about Greek? Maybe try some Greek?

Janice said...

Patience "anonymous" reader MC. We will update in good time with some burrito and greek action.