Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Winter Insider's Report

It's almost as if the world knows how obsessed I am with the PC products because yesterday in the paper we got two copies of the insider's report. This also works out well with our poor sharing abilities.

Anyway from my preliminary perusal of the Insider's report here are the items I plan to check out on the next visit to the grocery stores. Purchase will of course depend on trans fat content.

Dolce de Leche - Janice is quite excited about this. It's unfortunate that they imported it from Argentina though. At 2.99 though it will certainly outshine the William's Sonoma version that she used to be obsessed with.

Chinese Dim Sum - They have Shrimp Har Gao so that pretty much sealed the deal that I would want to look int it. At 7.99 not super cheap but definitely something to check out. I'm curious to see if the from frozen will work well with har gao

Crunchy Rippled POtato Chips - Everyone knows ripple chips are the best so these may be interesting to check out. Smokin' Stampede seems like it will be the flavour of choice.

Seafood Medley in Garlic Butter Sauce - Sounds good but don't anticipate it being a repeat purchase with the 4.99 price point.

Chocolate Chip Miche - who knows what miche is but chocolate chip like bread seems brilliant. At 3.99 a loaf we'll have to see how big the loaf is!

More to come

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is gross, I tried it:
Seafood Medley in Garlic Butter Sauce

One of the ingredients listed is non-dairy creamer.

Avoid this like the plague, it tastes fake and gross.

On the plus side that new non-chemical frozen shrimp offered by PC is excellent. The price points are now $11+ though, however the shrimp is just frozen with a bit of salt and is delicious.