Friday, February 10, 2006


I made a pilaf type thing last night with some brocolli, tofu, raisins and indian type spices. Pretty tasty overall.

I used quinoa, a south american grain (pronounced keen-wah). A bit odd that in our two months in south america, I NEVER saw or heard of it, but anyway, it's pretty tasty for the North Americain cook.

Kind of like rice, but nuttier and more flavorfull, just be sure to rinse well because it has a bitter layer you must wash off. I think quinoa has the highest protein level of all the grains, so there's another advantage for the herbivores out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Quinoa before. Sounds tasty (minus tofu). I'll have to check it out. I imagine I probably won't find it at my usal grocery stores Sobeys or Longos. Will have to venture out to more interesting stores....I find them a little intimidating....perhaps I can drag Janice out at lunch time to hunt for some with me.
Mrs. K.