Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Friday night and this evening I went to Quizno's. I have coupons expiring February 19 so expect a few more trips there in the coming days. Friday I had the usual Mesquite Chicken with Bacon and today I branched out and had the Chicken Carbonara. Both are of course very tasty subs. I'd have to say the Mesquite is better. I definitely love how they add Bacon to most subs as it vastly increases the tastiness.

Lately there have been a lot of ads about Quizno's lowering their prices. Maybe I missed something but when regular price is 6 bucks for a small sub can anyone call that low?

Unfortunately today the restaurant did two things to upset me
Strike #1: Credit card machine was down. At Quizno's prices can anyone afford to pay cash? Tip #1: Keep the machine running.
Strike #2: The store smelled of paint/paint thinner. Not really their fault but it definitely didn't make for a good eating expierience. Tip #2: Don't let the restaurant smell like that

Overall though I'd go there again, maybe tomorrow. It's good and without the coupons (2 bucks off) there is no chance I'll go back.


Anonymous said...

Who gave you the idea of eating at Quiznos? What, did you just think of it all by yourself? No one you want to credit or anything?

Anonymous said...

Your postive comments about Quiznos influenced me to stop there for lunch today. I had the roasted turkey with tomato and lettuce and it was delicious. The hot pepper served with the sandwich is a nice touch. At 3.99 for the sandwich, the price didn't seem unreasonable, particularly with no PST.