Friday, May 04, 2007


As an after dinner adventure, we decided to venture out to Loblaw's the old fashioned way - on foot. The plan was to go to DQ on the way back but instead at Loblaw's we spied a monster rum ball for 1.52. We couldn't resist - well we could but we elected not to. We've never really eaten in the Loblaw's food "court" so it was interesting to try. In keeping with disappointing Loblaw's experience it was tough to initially find a rum ball holder that was clean but we resolved that problems. Getting over that we purchased the rum ball and devoured it. Pretty tasty is the final verdict.

Continuing with my rant about Loblaw's problems, I was mildly disappointed with the news from shareholder's meeting. Sure they're still going to focus on low costs despite suggestions that they shouldn't be. The bad part is this talk of returning to "their food roots". Does that mean they're admitting that they can't handle food and merchandise stores? Sure maybe it's moderately harder than chewing gum and walking but it sure doesn't seem like the story of a champion. Maybe they need a round of monster size rumballs to reinvigorate the troops?

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