Tuesday, March 04, 2008

MGM Buffet Action

This joint was rather expensive at$19 for lunch I think and $16 or so for breakfast I think.
The breakfast was surprisingly packed and we had to wait in line for about 15 minutes prior to being seated. We partook in the standard breakfast fare - eggs, potatoes, bacon, waffle with whip cream/strawberries etc. Ian pretty much ate a half pineapple. It was a bit gross!

They seemed to have quite a few salads that we of course steared clear of. They were mainly seafood-y type items in mayo...so they basically had "FOOD POISONING" written of them!
Overall, not great value for what you actually got.

Lunch was pretty decent - similar to the South Point dinner items. I really liked the salsa bar here, that was pretty fun! They also had M&M's at the make your own sundae bar. I liked that a lot.
Service was good - the dirty plates with half eaten food were always promptly removed and out beverage glasses were always full.

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