Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Janice's super duper hummus recipe

I use chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) in quite a few of the things I cook and if I have leftovers I make some very tasty hummus. I have included a recipe...sorry no amounts, you'll have to use your own judgement!

Canned or very well cooked/soft chickpeas
Tahini (sesame seed paste). You can use PB but it won't turn out to be very hummus-like. About 10:1 with the chickpeas
Raw garlic. More if you want tastiness, less if you don't want to repel co-workers the next day
Splash of olive oil.
OJ (fresh squeezed is best). Not too much to start, can add more later if hummud is too thick.
Pinch of cumin + coriander
Bit of salt

Optional: I sometimes put in a splash of soy sauce for some extra flavor and color. I especially like to add if I am taking the hummus to work and I omit garlic. Same deal for turmeric, a bit of extra flavor and color for the no garlic version.

Put everything in blender or food processor and go crazy until very smooth. Can add some of your chickpea cooking liquid until you get the right conistency. A higher fat version would be to add some olive oil.

Serve on the always tasty PITA BREAK or with some raw veggies. Mmmm....hummus. We sadly do not have a microwave at work so this is some good stuff to bring in for lunch if I don't want to buy from our overpriced caf.

PS. Maybe Ian will have something more exciting to post when he gets home. I think he went out for lunch today! Yeah!

1 comment:

Jackie Bolen said...

The excitment never ends! Too bad you're not making any money from your blog...but you'd probably have to find some readers first. Have you checked out yet?