Monday, November 21, 2005

Mr Sub

As per my usual tradition, I went to Mr Sub today. Last week due to a change/money/Interac fiasco that cost me 1 dollar I was far too upset to post. I've since calmed down and can accurately reflect on the sub quality. The verdict - Not Very Tasty (NVT). But the price is definitely right. As I've said before, Mr Sub is the low sub place on the sub totem pole (Mr Sub < Subway < Quizno's) but the price makes the decision a non-decision. I had the roast beef toasted with my usual pickles, lettuce and green peppers with a little meatball sauce. I of course have to have it in the small to keep the price reasonable so it really isn't enough food. Unfortunately, it turns out that you can't get the roast beef with the soup special even though it is a classic sub. Just something for all you readers to know!


Jackie Bolen said...

The price...what is the price!

Janice said...

Ian is doing dishes but says "$3.84 with student discount, $4.27 for grown-ups" Janice says that includes tax.

Janice said...

Another funny Ian thing...I inquired as to why he gets the green peppers (since he will never eat them in stuff I cook) and he said because he feels that they are expensive and wants to get value for his $$ out of Mr. Sub. Ha ha, classic Ian!