Saturday, April 07, 2007

Amsterdam Brewery - World's Worst Tour

I was trolling the i-net looking for something to do and I came across Amsterdam Brewery Tours. The place is across from Fort York on Bathurst so we thought we should go and check it out.

We arrived at 4:52 and just in time for the 5 pm tour (we thought). We ask the guy if there is a tour going down and he barely sets down the newspaper to say "yeah at 5". So we hover around awkwardly and then finally the guy gets up and tidies up the very messy looking sampling bar (basically 8 taps). He then says to help ourselves so we do.

He said that the sampling/tour is actually free and they just have the $8 tour thing for university dorks.

5 rolls around and nothing, he just keeps reading the paper. So we finally grab the beer from the case and buy it. As we are leaving, he says "just the beer?". Yeah, I guess so????

World's Most Akward Tour!!! Go to Steamwhistle, they actually run a semi-professional operation.

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