Thursday, April 26, 2007

Apricot Tree in Mississauga

Today the gals at the office went for a little belated b-day lunch outing to the Apricot Tree in Mississauga. They did seem to have some sort of apricot tree in there - not sure if it was fake, but it was pretty large so I'm guessing real? I will check more closely next time. If it's not real, it seems a bit shady to base their whole restaurant concept on it, but who am I to say??

I ordered a roasted veggie sandwich on whole wheat for $6.50 I think. Came with some pretty tasty, although plain, salad. The sandwich was only so-so. Bread was alright, but was sliced too thin. The toasted veggie sandwich was quite literally roasted veggie. You think they would have put some spicy mayo or cheese to perk it up a little. Maybe some seasoning on the veggies?? Was actually kinda soggy.

Others has quiche, wraps, salads, soup etc and seemed to enjoy. Perhaps I just mis-ordered??? The price was right, so I think I would go back and get something else next time.


Anonymous said...

The spicy chicken wrap was good. The thing that impressed me most was the salad dressing. I have no idea what it was, so kind of vinegrette maybe, but addicting. I totally didn't even see the Apricot Tree, but the atmosphere in the restaurant was 'quaint'. I enjoyed it overall.

Anonymous said...

The tree is fake I believe.
I had the veggie quiche. I like non-meat meals once in a while but apparently not my quiche so I'll have them throw a few pieces of ham. I like the atmosphere and the delicious looking cakes in there. Maybe next time I'll work through my lunch then go for dessert? Who's with me??

Anonymous said...

oops, forgot to sign off Miz K but you probably figured that out by now.