Sunday, May 04, 2008

Costco Awesomness

I have never had a membership and have not really understood all the hype regarding Costco. With my need for new tires, I became a member and have now become moderately obsessed.

Some of the awesomeness we have purchased recently:
- 10 pairs of decent socks for $20
- Rechargeable batteries for about 1/2 the price of future shop
- Multi grain triangle shape rolls ($4.50 for 18!)
- Huge trays of strawberries for $4 (probably half of no frills pricing)
- Moderate amounts of blackberries for $4
- Huge bag of pistachios for $9!

I have also spied, but not purchased yet:
-A TV of some sort (ours is pretty much dead)
-Pita break breakfast double wide for about 70% of the price of single packs x 2
-Soy milk x 3 for $8 something (about $3 savings)
-A couple racks of pork ribs for $20!
-Chipotle bbq pulled pork double family size for $12
-Large jar of PB for same as I pay for a medium

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club. Costco is the best place. Good quality is guaranteed. Fruits and vegetables taste different. I love it there.