The good:
- sugary & sweet
- PC website people rate it 4.7/5
- Janice & Ian rating - 4/5
- foolproof and easy to re-heat
- Price is right at about $5 for 4
The bad:
- sugary & sweet, possibly causing cavities within minutes
- Calorie laden & a frightening amount of fat!
- Definitely need some sort of frozen yogurt to cut the sugar
- Not enough real fruit on there (was basically just white cake, a ring of pineapple & caramel sauce)...although I suppose that is the essence of pineapple upside down so I should stop complaining and maybe put this in the "good" list??
- Texture was a bit odd - the cake was a bit pasty and was over-saturated with sugar sauce
The final word - go with PC sticky toffee pudding instead!!! That's some serious tastiness per unit of un-healthiness!
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