Friday, March 23, 2007

Lone Star Coupon Fun

Anyone who knows anything about Ian and I knows that we are not people to turn down discounted eating out.

We headed to Lone Star on Front Street for some fajita action (portabello for me, chicken for Ian). Came with all the "fixins" - tortillas, cheese, guacamole, tomato, lettuce, sour cream, beans, rice and an assortment of random veggies with mine. $12.49 for mine, $12.99 for Ian. Since we had a $10 off coupon, I started to feel a bit bad about the two tap water for drinks and ordered a pint of kokanee ($6.49). With the coupon, $32 including tax and tip.

Ok tastiness levels, but pretty good value considering the disgusting amount of food they provide with 1 meal. Ian and I usually share a single meal and leave full! This time, in order to spend $20, we had to each get a meal.

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