Here's the guy from their website holding the usual Ethiopian platter.
He actually seems to be at the place every time we are there. Not quite sure what the guy actually does. The waitress usually hustles around and does everything. This guy just hovers around behind the bar and relaxes.
Anyway, on to the review. I always have the veg lunch special which includes one little pile of each of the following:
EG 1. Misir Wot ...................................................... 8.70
Lentil Stew in berbere sauce
VEG 2. Sherro Wot ..................................................... 8.80
Highly-seasoned chick peas (powder) in berbere sauce
VEG 3. Tikil Goman .................................................... 8.95
Cabbage, carrots, potatoes, cooked in turmeric sauce
VEG 4. Goman Wot .................................................... 8.80
Kale or collard greens in mild sauce
VEG 5. Yekik Alicha .................................................... 8.80
Yellow split peas in mild turmeric sauce
VEG 6. Kik Wot ...........................................................8.80
Split peas stew in berbere sauce
VEG 7. Misir Alicha ......................................................8.80
Split lentil stew in thick mild sauce with seasoning
VEG 8. Atakelt Wot ................................................... 8.95
Mixed vegetables - string beans, carrots, potatoes - cooked in tomato sauce
VEG 9. Vegetarian Bayaaynatu .................................. 11.50
"Of Each Kind" small servings of the above Nos.1-8) vegetarian dishes
(For two) .......................................................... 21.90
Also included is some tasty salad and two hot sauces, one brown which is rather bitter and one fluorescent green which is alright. Meal usually includes some cottage cheese, but this time they seem to have forgotten.
This menu items above are actually from dinner, for lunch the combo cost is a mere $6.50 or something ridiculously cheap like that. Also includes as much injera bread as you can stuff yourself with. The veggie stuff is always tasty and therefore is always a challenge to keep Ian from eating all my lentil tastiness. He usually goes after my yellow lentil dishes, which is actually ok since I prefer the brown lentil stuff anyway.
Ian had the meaty combo which includes two kinds of beefy fun and some spinachy stuff which Ian likes and I don't. Slightly more, like $7.30 perhaps?
Total bill including tax and tip was a mere $18 or so! How can you argue with that. We stopped by best buy on the way home and with lots of sadness held off on a new TV purchase. The way I see it, we are actually $900 ahead on the day.
Actually $882 if you include the cost of lunch. Score one for us! We also walked home past the super duper auto show people and scored three cans of coke zero. Guess that puts us ahead $883.50 if you assume $0.50 a can. At that kind of value, how can you go wrong with going out for lunch? It's almost like we are losing money by staying home??
If you would like to make your own Ethiopian, check out hese web-sites. The first one has a injera bread recipe using buckwheat pancake mix, biscuit mix and an egg. I'm SURE that's how they do it in Ethiopia!
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
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